Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Pokemon In the Wrong Places

Over the summer when Pokemon Go became popular, I heard that people played it at the Holocaust Museum. I was dumbfounded that this was an actual problem, but did not think much of it. Well, now I am going to the Holocaust Museum myself on Thursday, and this article resurfaced while I was looking around for information about the museum.

I found the article on The Washington Post by Andrea Peterson. It is titled "Holocaust Museum to visitors: Please stop catching Pokemon here." The article is used to educate the reader. The museum is trying to get the word spread that people should not play in the museum. The article talks about how there are "..three PokeStops associated with various parts of the museum." The museum is trying to remove itself from the app. Once I read this, I was shocked towards the end when a player said "But gotta catch em' all." This article educates what is going on with the app and how some believe they have taken it too far.

Hopefully when I go, I will not see anyone playing on their phones. This article was published over the summer, so I hope they reached a solution. I understand games are fun, but I do believe that people should know boundaries out of respect for what the Holocaust Museum really stands for.

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