Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Forgot Again

So, for the past two weeks I have forgotten to do my weekly blog. I have an entire week to do it so why can I not remember to take 30 minutes (at the most) out of my week to do it? I thought maybe reading an article about the different theories of why people forget would be a good idea for me.

I read an article called "Forgetting" by Sam McLeod. In this article, he discusses forgetting from short term memory and long term memory. I remember  learning about all of this in a psychology class I have previously taken, but clearly I need a refresh. After this article educated me on the different types of theories for forgetting things, I believe displacement is the reason for me forgetting about my blogs. McLeod described displacement as, "...the information that had been in the short-term store for the longest was the first to be displaced by new information, similar to the way in which boxes might fail off the end of a conveyor bet- as new boxes are put on one end, the boxes which have been on the conveyor belt the longest drop off the end."

McLeod goes on to discuss and evaluate the popular theories such as trace decay, interference, lack of consolidation, and retrieval failure. Maybe after reading and being informed of all of these, I will step it up and do my blogs!


1 comment:

  1. This is interesting because I often forget about my blog posts Also. I tend to remember them only a few hours before they're due and by that point I have other things due at the same time. I forget things all the time so I wonder if this is a similar situation for me as well. Also, I have many issues with Keeping focus because I have the attention span of a goldfish. My family believes I might have Attention Deficit Disorder because its so hard for me to keep focused on anything.
