Saturday, September 17, 2016

Easy A

Today I visited The Ohio State University. While on my way home, I remembered I needed to complete this blog by midnight. Since OSU was on my mind, I decided to find something to read pertaining to the school. I read an article titled " Ohio State University Student Sinks Shot to Win Whole Class an A" by Karan Farkas. How did all the students receive a 100% on their first organic chemistry class? Well the professor in the organic chemistry class, Christopher Callam, offers the challenge every year to his students. He says, "We are using the ball to help understand acid base chemistry, to understand proton donors and acceptors. The student can then try to make a basket to earn 100%(for the whole class) on the first quiz"(Farkas). The article was an entertaining and quick read. Small things like this article make me excited for even the little things next year.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

A Ninth Planet??

As I was browsing the internet, I came across an article from the U.S News titled Scientists Are Excited About Possibly 'New' Planet by Jeff Nesbit. Being as intrigued with space as I am, I obviously had to read it. 

This article is talking about how scientists may have found a ninth planet. The author's main purpose is to educate and inform the public about this new possibility. For people interested in science and space like myself, this article is also enlightening and entertaining.

How do the scientists know there may be another planet? Well, through the author I learned, " Scott Sheppard from the Carnegie Institution for Science and Chadwick Trujillo from Northern Arizona University said Monday that they had discovered several objects we've never seen before at extreme distances from the Sun in our solar system"(Nesbit). It may be a few years, but another planet may have been discovered.

I am enlightened and excited about what the author has written because I have always been fascinated about the thought of life outside of Earth. I am very curious to know what else is out there, how scientists make the discoveries, and what they could mean.